
Novatian: The Trinity, The Spectacles, Jewish Foods, In Praise of Purity, Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

After Novatian’s break with the Church over the treatment of Christians who had lapsed in the persecution of Decius (AD 250–52), Church authorities were reluctant to recognize officially his contributions to Christian theology. Because his writings were too valuable to ignore, a number of them were attributed to less controversial authors. On the basis of stylistic and other internal evidence,...

things exist by His command, so that they are “from Him”; they are set in order by His word and are therefore “through Him.” Finally, all things have recourse to His judgment so that, while they long for freedom “in Him,” after corruption has been done away with, they appear to be recalled “to Him.” The Lord rightly declares that God alone is good,1 of whose goodness the whole world is a witness. He would not have created it if He were not good. For if “all things were very good,”2 it logically
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